We are on a mission to deliver Banking and Business Solutions, with a focus on tactical efficiency and a wealth of industry knowledge.
Our experience leads us to understand the noise and inefficiencies of change within the banking services. We look to change that.
We offer the experience to deliver your Banking and Business Solution changes, with the knowledge and expertise to manage projects and suppliers, minimising stakeholder impact.
We will provide tactical support and delivery, without the noise.
Our team is made up of experienced Project Leads, Business Analysts and Subject Matter Experts, dedicated to providing exceptional service, attention to detail, and the required support to deliver enduring change.
We work closely with our clients to understand their requirements and expectations, and liaise with suppliers to reduce the noise and complications, using our established connections and partnerships with a variety of Fintech solutions and Core Banking providers.
Making changes to a Core Banking Solution is ripe with inefficiencies, internally and externally, via communications and lack of clarity.
We take a tactical approach, to ensure only necessary communications are made, and there is reduced ambiguity for all parties.
You want your change, we want to deliver. Expectations require careful management, suppliers can over promise and under delivery, clients can have unreasonable delivery times. We work with both to ensure the timelines are appropriate, contingencies are in place, scope is sound, and you can inform the business of a reliable go-live date.
We don't work alone, we work as a squad. Through our internal sites and project management platforms, we ensure that our squad is versed on all of current projects.
Holiday and sick days, will no longer impact your projects, and with our SME knowledge, you will always have the right person for the job.
Change is disruptive. We seek to minimise the internal disruptions with clear and concise communications with stakeholders and suppliers.
We will not fill diaries with pointless meetings. We will not write papers that are not read. We are direct with suppliers and clients, to ensure that requirements are understood and the project is delivered.
There are always complications, however we minimise the risk with our established connections. With our supplier experience, we manage your requirements and ensure full comprehension and clarity for a successful delivery.
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